Revelation 17:3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
Revelation 17:16-17 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.
17 For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.
John was transported in the spirit into the wilderness and he sees a scarlet colored beast having seven heads and ten horns; then he is told that those ten horns represent ten kings & kingdoms that will give their support to the beast.
Ten horns in prophecy
The dragon is the devil Rev 12:9. The question has been asked thru the years who are these ten kings? Thru the years people have watched with interest when nations started joining the UN and when it reached ten they supposed this would be the ten kings. Then the EU formed and it came to ten and people thought that would be the ten kings. But most do not know of the Club of Rome and their proposal to divide the world into ten regions under a single rule. Those ten regions are: North America (including Mexico), Western Europe, Japan, Israel, South Africa and Australia, Easter Europe (Russia & Allies), Latin America, North Africa & the Middle East, Main Africa, South & southeast Asia and central Asia including China – each would have a ruler over them and then those rulers would give their allegiance to the one world ruler. Their plan was three-fold: 1) divide the world into ten regions; 2) transform those regions into trading and political blocks; 3) merge those ten blocks into a one world government. These plans have been under the radar for years and until recently they were secret and covert. As early as 1990s then president H.W.Bush started talking about a New World Order and most did not even think much about it. There have been many working covertly thru the years on this agenda.
Years of planning
They knew they had to indoctrinate people over years of false information and make it part of the schools and the educational process. Schools began in America to teach people to read the Bible and the Bible was the text book for years. Then the plans to take over started and evolution was introduced into the schools. Soon it began the religion of the school and creationism was excluded or debunked. Then it went into the higher learning centers and soon the teachers were indoctrinated into their false ideas and philosophies. Years of pounding evolution and cultic philosophy into young minds has produced the society we have today where we have darkened understandings (Eph4:18) and these warped minds and intellects are being controlled by those who are pushing and clamoring for a global order and government. After Obama was elected president they thought the time was ready and they planned to get Hilary in by crooked means but Trump was elected and they went insane. America began to blossom and become independent. People were proud of America and patriotism ran high, we began to become independent of foreign resources and the NWO was being frustrated – all this is counter to their plans of globalism. John tells us when these ten kings come into power it will be for only a short time Rev 17:12-13. Just as the people at the Tower of Babel that we spoke about last week did not last long; neither will this attempt at world power last long. It will be the time of the tribulation and it will be a blood bath and horrible time for the world. God’s judgment will be poured out and those (many) who have been left behind after Jesus returns for the church. There will also be trouble and persecution from the anti-Christ who will be ruler of the world thru force Dan 11:38. The world will be forced to receive the mark in their foreheads or right hand and they will not be permitted to buy or sell unless they have this mark of allegiance and worship to this ruler and his kingdom. There are those who are not Christian but they are conservative and they know that this is a plandemic and when Christ returns they will also be left behind and there will be some who thru tracts, videos, CDs and the printed page that is left here by Christians raptured turned to the Lord but they will have to hide and do whatever they can to survive the rule of anti-Christ. The Christians will be gone and they are the most influential in these times and once removed the mystery of iniquity will go in full force the holy Spirit’s influence will be removed and those who are now pushing and working under the devil’s influence will run wild. Most of the world will willingly align with him and his plans and purposes because the Bible is clear that once the church his gone God is going to send a strong delusion to the world to believe the anti-Christ and the world rulers and they will non-hesitantly follow his orders. Paul says this will happen because they had pleasure in unrighteous living rather than coming to Christ. Solomon also speaks of this Prov 1:23-31. Christ is calling people today and people are refusing because they feel they know better than God or they are following man’s ideas over God’s commands. Once the day of grace is ended the door will be closed Lu 13:24-27. People will be saved during the tribulation but they will not be those who sit in churches today and refuse to come to Christ. They will not be those who listen/watch gospel programs and refuse to come to Christ.
This plan for world dominion is aided by the many churches and Christians who are compromising away their souls to the devil. The devil is called the prince of the power of the air. The word air means influence and the word power means authority – he is the authority of influence in this present evil world. That influence is affecting churches and Christian to compromise away their souls and lead many other away as well. The church and the leaders are to be examples for the people to follow, but if they leaders become apostate then the people end up like the people in Judges 17:6. Homosexuality, transgenderism, abortion, BLM, antifa and other false ideas are being espoused by churches and leaders and the Bible is being thrust out and proclaimed to be of no purpose. There are churches that put signs on their doors _”if you don’t wear a mask, go home.” They say, “Well we’re following orders of the government like the Bible says.” Yes and they will follow anti-Christ right into hell and take their people with them. Many leaders espouse false doctrines such as replacement theology, open theism and amillenialism and cannot see the coming threat of globalism. They cannot see the plan that has been in place thru the years by the globalists and so there is no warning that is arising from the pulpits.
Part of the globalist’s plan was to infiltrate all venues of influence in society. I just mentioned the church and apostate Christians, but it was the entertainment industry – the movies, television shows and cartoons. They have moved ever so slowly in their efforts and if it were not for watch-dog groups their sneaky tricks would go unnoticed by most. The queer agenda the overpopulation lies, the environmental lies, etc. have all been used on TV to brainwash people. The news media is complicit as well. They purport the lies of the globalists and brainwash the people into submission. This globalism will end when Jesus returns and all the puppets of the devil will be severely judged. Where are your allegiances?