Contrary winds

Mark 6:48  And he saw them toiling in rowing; for the wind was contrary unto them: and about the fourth watch of the night he cometh unto them, walking upon the sea, and would have passed by them.

 Wind is a part of this life. Jesus used the wind as a symbol of the Spirit’s moving and re-generating those who come to Christ for salvation. Wind was used to symbolize the coming Holy Spirit. But wind is also used in nature as a destructive force – such as in the death of Job’s children. Wind (breath) was used to bring man into a living soul. Wind can be good but if the wind is contrary to us it can make things difficult. The disciples’ experienced contrary winds Just as we do by times. There are things/events in lie that represent contrary winds to our progress.


We have all experienced it – it can be surprising and painful. Jesus was not surprised by Judas’ betrayal, but we’re often taken by surprise when we are betrayed by someone. It is most painful when it is someone we love and trusted (Psa 55:12-14). Judas used the symbol of love and friendship as a sign to Jesus’ enemies – he kissed Jesus so they knew who to take captive. Betrayal can stop us in our progress and cause us to be defeated.


      This can come from enemies or even from “friend” because of our faith. Persecution is a certainty when we walk with the Lord. They persecuted Jesus and they will surely persecute us. Persecution gives us an opportunity to display our spiritual maturity. Jesus said pray for those who persecute us and do good to them as well. But if we are not careful persecution can keep us from going forward.

Uncontrolled tongues

      People will lie, gossip, tale bear and more. The tongue can be sharp as a word. James says that some tongues are set on fire of hell. They are an unruly evil full of poison. Solomon says that death and life are in the power of the tongue. Tongues that are not sanctified are truly a contrary wind to the work of God and our personal spiritual progress.


      Physical problems such as poor health in us or a family member can be a contrary wind. Loss of health may be serious, life-threatening or minor, but either way they are contrary winds to our progress in life. We can be stopped in our tracks by serious health issues or plagued day by day with nagging and recurring health issues. These contrary winds can hinder or stop our progress.


      Major or minor disappointments can cause us to stop or slow in our progress. We all experience disappointments. They may be major ones such as a lost job or family break up. They could be minor such as canceled trip. The severity of disappointment depends upon how much we place our hope and happiness in the event/person. Paul was hindered from going to Thessalonica by the devil which would be disappointing 1 Thes 2:18.


      The death of a family member or close friend – -even a pet – can be a hindrance to our progress. Sometimes there is a disease or problem and we expect sometime soon we will lose a family member. But when it comes w/o issue or expectancy it stops our progress.

Jesus comes to us

      Jesus sees and knows our trials and tests, but He will not force His way into the situation – He waits to be invited. Jesus saw th disciples toiling and would have walked by but when they cried out He came into the ship and the winds ceased Mk 6:51. He tells us the same, “be of good cheer . . . be not afraid.” The winds will be contrary but when Jesus is on board we can have confidence of our safe arrival.