1 Thessalonians 5:18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
Giving thanks is difficult for many today because we have been conditioned to think of giving thanks in the area of “good things” and not all things. We all have good and bad things hgappen in our life. Some people seem to have more bad things happen to them and others more good. This, however, is a matter of perspective because the one who sees the other having more good may be looking at him and saying he has more good. Our interpretation of “good” is key in this matter. We need to see God’s hand in all events. Even in Job’s situation, God’s hand was evident even though it was the devil who was actually causing the problems – God only permitted it to happen. When we see God as sovereign in the world and in our life, we can more easily give thanks in all things.
Paul made an interesting statement in Rom 5:3 Romans 5:3 we glory in tribulations. How many of us can glory in tribulations? Only those who view them as Paul did because he saw their benefit — also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience. We have a serious lack of patience in the world today – this is evidenced by road rage, school shootings, etc. Demonstrations and violence show that people do not want to wait for the wheels of progress to work so they try to force issues. In the Philippian jail Paul and Silas showed a true Christin spirit in their singing after being beaten – they gave thanks in their tribulation.
Adversity and prosperity:
We tend to thin that the wealthy do not have the same problems we have. But there are more people ruined by success and prosperity than by adversity and poverty. Paul tells us that godliness with contentment is great gain.
The small things in life are equally from God as the large things. The promotion and house and car etc. are blessings from God. But so also are the small matters of the simple things in life – tasty snacks, hugs, kisses etc. The way we view them sets the stage for our giving of thanks.
All things:
If we truly believe that ALL things work together for our good, and then we can give thanks for ALL things. We must remember, however, that the verse says, they work TOGETYHER for our good. Taken individually they are not so good, but God kows how to put it all together for our good and His glory.