America’s mental condition

2 Timothy 1:7   For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

 Paul tells us that God gives us not a spirit of fear but one of power and love and a sound mind. Power is strength and ability to think and reason rationally and properly. Love is the agape love of God and sound is a disciplined and a mind under control. This is what God gives to us. If we are experiencing a spirit of fear it is nor from God but from the enemy. We are in troublesome times today that started back in 2020 by a group of elites that desire to subjugate all people under their control and authority. There are many people also involved who are innocently following or deceptively involved in their scheme. America’s mental state is very poor right now.

In the Old Testament Israel had a see-saw relationship with God that depended upon their economy. When they prospered they forgot  God and moved in the direction of idols and sensuality. God would send problems in the form of invaders (terrorists) or oppressive leaders. They would return to God and the cycle repeated itself. Could we be seeing this today in America? I believe it is possible.

            We can’t thumb our noses at God and expect not to experience problems – small and severe. There is a strong correlation between America’s problems and her departure from God and His word.

America has gone the way of Israel – when things are going good we forge God and then when things go bad we blame God. It very well may be that God is judging America for turning away from Him but the fault lies with us.

America’s mental state is indicative of her spiritual state – very poor. People have been and are being indoctrinated into a socialist state. The liberals, progressives and left have taken over most of the media, universities and politics and the only information that is being allowed is their form of lies – told as truth. I saw the “My Pillow Guy” on Fox news trying to show that he had proof positive that the last presidential election was rigged and the people were cheated out of who they voted for, but the supposed conservative news would not allow him to show the proof. This is because all the news media, newspapers and other sources are owned by four major elitists and they will not allow the truth to be told. So the only thing that people hear is that it was all investigated and the election was fair. They are also told that the vaccines have been thoroughly tested and proven safe, the virus is more deadly than any ever yet and the higher up in health and big pharma are telling the truth and not interested in money but the safety of all the people.

They will not allow dissenting narratives on climate change and global warming, but keep fostering lies and false science to brain wash people into believing that we are the cause of it all. They brainwash people into thinking that burning fossil fuels is the cause of the environments issues so people don’t (at some) too mad at paying super high prices at the gas pump and for fuel oil.

The lies fostered by the left about so many things that people are having difficulty sleeping, functioning and interacting with other people. The winners are the pharmacy companies that supply the psychotic meds for those people.

But God has the answer — Isaiah 26:3   Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.