Prophecy 24

2 Thessalonians 2:3-4  Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

4  Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

The anti-Christ’s process of takeover

The coming world ruler will probably not be an overnight thing but I believe it will happen suddenly and quickly – like the appearance of Obama when he ran for and became president. Before he ran no one knew him and he had no real achievements to his acclaim – all of a sudden there he was in the lime light. There was a lot of preparation work ahead of Obama becoming president and there is a lot of work going into preparing for the one world ruler to come into power soon. There was a lot of preparation for Mr. Biden to be falsely elected president – all the fake ballots, computer programming etc. But there had to be a catalyst that brought this on and that catalyst was this pandemic we are being held in by the progressives and liberals who are being controlled and manipulated by the devil. Their plan has been put in place and the trial run is being seen throughout the world right now.

 Problem, reaction, solution

 This has been used multiple times through the years to sca people out of money; right now it is being used to control people.

A problem arises, then people react to it and then a solution is provided. In the flu season the problem is the flu that goes around and sometimes it is a serious infection rate. I remember one year during a particularly heavy outbreak of the flu there were about one fourth of the students absent in one school district. The reaction comes then to close the school for a day or two and the solution was to prevent further contamination by sanitizing and keeping those affected away from the rest. That was simple and we did it and all worked out well.

  1. covid-19 is different

This new virus is different in the fact that it has been manipulated by men to affect people differently. It has been renewing its potency and re-emerging stronger and affecting more people in differing ways and contagion. This type of thing does not happen naturally. I talked with my doctor recently and we talked about this and his words were, “I smell a rat some place.” The second law of thermodynamics demands that the virus mutate and become less potent thru time because it loses strength and infectiousness. That is unless it is acted upon by an outside force – either human or supernatural. It would be like taking a loaf of homemade bread and sitting it out for a long period of time. Soon mold would appear and it would be uneatable. You would not expect it to become a new loaf or more invigorated. The same law that causes that also causes viruses and other things to deteriorate and go into a simpler state. That is why thru the years the medical community could confidently say that the flu (that maybe was a very infectious one) would soon disappear and it would. This one would also if it was not being manipulated and intensified by either humans or supernaturally.

  1. evolutionists

Those who are behind this plandemic are evolutionists and they want it taught in schools and the public arena. They try to sell this lie about the beginning of the universe, world and man to everyone and anyone. They have spread this lie for years and now they are trying to get people to believe that this covid-19 is “naturally” re-inventing itself while they suppress and threaten anyone who opposes them, especially in the medical field, to not administer the medicine to fight it – let people die, they don’t care. Since they have propagated and spread the lie of evolution and made it the religion of the schools and universities they are using that lie to keep the panic going about this supposed virus infection. I just heard some other country mentioned and new strain of it popping up. This is the problem and it was planned and made up by man.

  1. problem time line

On Mar 15, 2020 President Trump declared a national emergency (keep these times and dates in mind). They (many people) knew there was going to be a pandemic because in Oct of 2019 John Hopkins University held a pandemic exercise and it was sponsored by Bill Gates. When this virus hit they estimated it would have the same kill rate as the Spanish Flu (65 million). Then came on the scene Dr. Fouci who first said this virus would be no worse than the regular flu and then a little later on camera he said it would kill millions if we did nothing and would kill 200,000 if we completely shut the country down. (He got this new info from Washington Institute of Health and Metric Values – funded by Bill Gates. Fouci said it would take 12-18 months to develop a vaccine then on Mar 14 it was reported that volunteers had been given the vaccine made by Maderna and approved by Fouci and the national institute of health. On Mar 15 President Trump declared a state of national emergency and the economy began to shut down. President Trump asked for congress to pass a stimulus bill to aid people and businesses. However, congress had started this bill thru congress on Jan 24, almost two months before the emergency declaration (they knew about this before it was declared).

  1. globalists instill fear

On Jan 30, 2020 WHO declared a world-wide health crisis for the new corona virus even though there were only 150 cases known at that time (they knew what they were doing). On Mar 30 Bill Gates wrote an op ed saying America had missed the opportunity to get ahead of the virus and we should shut down the economy for 10 weeks.

  1. climate change and virus to

One week after Gates wrote the op ed he was interviewed and he said that once we trust science to solve this virus crisis we will be ready to trust science to solve climate change.

World take over — Problem, reaction, solution

              They (those wickedly involved) are watching our reaction.

The OWO group created a false problem they are watching and monitoring people’s reaction and they are presenting a solution – OWO and ruler. The regular bad flu season kills 39 million people worldwide but covid-19 has not come close to that in deaths, yet we have allowed the globalists to shut down the economy, close businesses, shutter churches and instill panic and hysteria in the public making them fearful of living their lives for fear they might die. The news media parades “experts” onto the cameras who tell us this virus will kill us all if we don’t allow them to fix it and submit to a OWO and ruler’s control. An article April 5 said that Spain was using this virus to roll out a universal income system.

            Bow to Caesar

In the first century Christians were put to the test – they had to take a pinch of incense and declare Caesar is lord. This was required during the early days of the church and those who succumbed were permitted to live but those who did not were killed. In Dec 2019 the Bill Gates foundation developed a biometric tattoo that has a chip on it that tells all about you. One day all too soon we have to declare allegiance to OWO or the Globalists and render to them our service and eventually our souls. What will you do?