Colossians 2:18 Let no man beguile you of your reward
Types of judgment/reward:
Christians will be judged/rewarded in numerous areas. There are verses that speak of “full reward” and also warning not to allow someone to prevent us from receiving a full reward (2 Jn 8; Rev. 3:11; Col 2:18); Scripture also speaks of receiving our own reward (1 Cor 3:8).
Doctrinal living – Paul speaks of our works being tried by fire (1 Cor 3:9-15)
Faithfulness – We are to remain faithful to what, where and how we are to serve Christ (1 Cor 3:8; 4:2; 1 Pet 4:10; Lu 19:26). We will not be judged according to amount, but faithfulness to our ability and calling(Matt 13:23; 25:15).
Words – Jesus says we will give account for idle (vain) words that we speak Matt 12:36. This could refer to exclamations, unholy talk (Eph 4:29) or our prayer life (Matt 6:7).
Christian ministering/service – As Christians we have opportunities to help others or minister to needs of others and we will be rewarded accordingly (Matt 10:42; Phil 4:17; Heb 6:10; Lu 14:14).
Rewards – Some of the rewards the righteous receive relate to our faithful service concerning our stewardship of God’s grace and gifts (Matt 25:20-23; Lu 19:17-20). We will receive a reward for enduring temptation and overcoming (Jam 1:12; Rev 2:10). The pastors/elders who minister faithfully to those under their care they shall receive a reward (1 Pet 5:1-4). Those soldiers of Christ who fought faithfully looking for His coming (2 Tim 4:8). Those who suffer for His cause and name will be rewarded by reigning with Him in some capacity (2 Tim 2:12).
Judgment of nations: Matt 25:31-46
This judgment is set after Christ’s return and establishes His kingdom and is sitting upon the throne of His glory as King. The word “nations” is the word for Gentile, non-Jewish groups of people. The judgment is set in reference to treatment of “His brethren”. The word for brethren carries the idea of womb which may indicate those of the same ethnic blood line – Jews. Some believe that it refers to Christians because when Jesus spoke to Paul on the road to Damascus, He accused Paul of persecuting Him because Paul was trying to destroy the church, which is made up of both Jews and Gentiles. Either way, the judgment is set on treatment of those brethren and most believe that this treatment refers to the time of the tribulation. Not all people are destroyed in the tribulation, so these people here are those who remain alive. The reward for the sheep is entering the Kingdom of Christ on earth while the judgment of those who treated His brethren badly was everlasting punishment.
White Throne Judgment: Rev. 20:11-15
There will be many who stand before God who thought they were saved and appear at this judgment. This judgment happens one thousand years after Christ’s return, which would coincide with the end of the thousand year reign of Christ (Rev 20:5). At this judgment those judged will receive degrees (Lu 12:47-48) of suffering according to their works as recorded in God’s book (Rev 20:12). The Book of Life is present at this judgment because this is not about salvation but those who are not written there or were blotted out (Ex 32:33; Rev 3:5). Those who were once saved but refused to obey and serve are said to be cast into outer darkness etc. and there may be a blank space in this book to show them that they were once there but were blotted out (Matt 25:30; 1 Cor 6:9-10).