Revelation 6:1-2 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.
2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
Rise of anti-Christ:
These verses tell of a coming ruler who comes riding a white horse — white symbolizing righteousness, purity as well as peace. When any army or people approach another in order to seek peace or negotiations they do so under the banner of a white flag. Also, this rider exhibits power and might in military power by the carrying of a bow; however, there is no arrow so the deadly portion is not present indicating that he seeks peace thru a mighty presence. The Bible is clear that a time of peace will precede the horrors of the tribulation will begin. (Dan 8:25; 1 Thes 5:3). Daniel tells us that this anti-Christ will confirm the covenant with Israel for one week (7 years – Dan 9:27). Isaiah said Israel’s covenant with death will not stand (Isa 28:18).
The passage says that this rider will also be given a crown, indicating authority or rule and from this he will be able to make laws that will put him in the place of a world ruler.
God’s witnesses:
After the church is removed and the influence of it and the Holy Spirit there will be widespread confusion and panic in the world — people will be seeking answers to the missing people and there will also be economic, tansportational and many other crises in the world. The anti-Christ will come on the scene to calm the fears of many and bring organization to the chaos. At about the same time God will bring forth His witnesses to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom and tell the world about salvation and the coming kingdom (Rev. 11:3-6). These two witnesses will prophecy and witness to the world but they apparently also have presence in Jerusalem because it is there about the mid-way of the tribulation or longer that they are killed by the anti-Christ (Rev 11:7-8).
Total anarchy:
When the second thru forth seals are opened widespread war, death, famine and disease accompanied by mass death. The red horse represents war, probably because of the release of the Spirit’s withholding of iniquity upon earth. People will turn far worse than they are now and war and killing will be inevitable. This is followed by famine and disease due to the wars and perhaps nuclear contamination and even biological and gas type warfare. The oil and wine could represent one of two aspects – either it represents the rich who will not be affected by the economic problems or oil and wine are also used in treating people (such as the Good Samaritan did to the man injured) and represents God speaking about the need for much medical attention.
Death and hell follow the wars, famines and disease for one quarter of the earth’s population will die as a result of these three seals. Apparently during these days, weeks and years of these seals many people will be saved perhaps at the preaching of the two witnesses and some from the witness left behind by those who were raptured. People will have questions and perhaps read the Bible or tracts that were produced by believers prior to the rapture. These will continue to produce fruits unto salvation of many. Many of these new believers will be killed because of their belief and testimony by either the anti-Christ later but more likely by the depraved and wicked who will become worse and worse at this time (Rev 6:9).
When the sixth seal is opened there is an apparent upheaval in the earth and heavens that causes extreme panic and distress on earth among people.