John 14:5 Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?
Uncertain times:
We live in very uncertain times; financial uncertainties, unrest, spiritual lethargy, fake news and compromise, ecclesiastical apostasy, political turmoil and etc. As the song writer expressed it, days are filled with worry and care, hearts are lonely and drear . . . but he goes on to say, burdens are lifted at Calvary, Jesus is always near. Some may even get to the point of doubting Scripture and even their own experience.
When Jesus began talking to His disciples about His forth coming crucifixion and death, they were troubled. And when Jesus told them that they knew where He was going and they also knew the way, Thomas told Him how can we know the way (Jn 14:1-5). Jesus responded with the certainty that they needed – He was/is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
The Way:
In the world there is a severe push to make the way to heaven into many ways to heaven. The compromise of the church from a beacon of light and call to repentance has turned into a social club for fun and recreation — “anything goes” has brought this evil into the minds and beliefs of many today. Up to 80% of the people in America today believe they are Christians and on their way to heaven. Nearly 50% of so-called evangelicals accept the “many ways” to heaven theology being preached by apostate preachers of today.
Jesus assured the disciples and us that He is the Way, the only way to heaven. You do not need a lot of education to be saved, but you must get saved thru Jesus and only thru Him. Jesus told the people that anyone who attempts to get into heaven some other way than by Him was a thief and a robber (Jn 10:1). Jesus warned of those who come pretending to be of God (Matt 7:15); and Paul also warned of those who come trying to preach another way (2 Cor 11:4; Gal 1:6). Peter declared on the day of Pentecost that there is only one name by which we must be saved (Acts 4:12).
The Truth:
People try to make lies into truth so they can appease their conscience and practice and live in sin. If the “truth” of today contradicts the word of God and the sayings of Christ, then they are not truth. Paul said many will turn away from the truth (2 Tim 4:3-4); and Jesus warned of those who replace truth with men’s traditions (Matt 15:5-6). In the midst of these uncertain speeches and reports, we can go to God’s word and know we have the truth.
The Life:
The disciples were about to lose their Master for a short time and it caused them sorrow and uncertainty. But Jesus gave them the assurance that because He lived they too would live (Jn 14:19). He told them that they could not follow Him immediately (Jn 13:36). John wrote about this in his first epistle (1 Jn 5:11-13).
In these uncertain times, we can be assured that if we know Christ and adhere to His word we are in the way; we have the truth and have life now and will have it after death.