Four “Bs” of Christian awareness

2 Peter 3:1  This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance:

BE mindful:

     Peter tells the Christians he is writing to that they should stir up their pure minds by way of remembering. One thing they are to remember is what God has said through the prophets of the Old Testament as well as the Apostles of the New Testament (2 Pet 3:1-2). God’s word is of utmost importance for us today. In the days when Peter wrote they only had the Old Testament Scriptures and the spoken words of the Apostles and their letters to the Christians. Today, we have both recorded for us in the Bible. It is very important and we need to remember and take heed to it. Solomon tells about those who despise God’ word (Prov. 13:13). A person’s attitude toward the word determines God’s attitude toward that person. When Adam and Eve despised God’s commandment they brought sin and death into the world. The Hebrew word despise is from a root meaning “not to respect” and is very similar to the word meaning “be ashamed of”. Again, Solomon tells us that God’s word is pure, but he did not use the word for moral purity or metallic purity. Instead, he says that the word has been refined and purified as it were in a spiritual furnace, so that all contaminants had been purged out, leaving only the pure element. In Psa 119:140 David says it is pure and he loves it, but in Psa 18:30 he uses that same word for pure, only here it is translated “tried”. It is tried in the sense for purity. Since this is a fact about God’s word, we can rely upon it and we should call to remembrance what was spoken in the Old and New Testaments as we journey through these last days. The pure word will counteract the evil word of the scoffers. Peter tells us that God flooded the world in the past and has reserved it unto fire for the last days and we need to remember the facts.

BE not ignorant (2 Peter 3:8)

      There is no excuse for ignorance in the Christian. We should not be ignorant of God’s time table (3:8); the Lord’s salvation (3:9); nor the Day of the Lord (3:10-13). Peter tells us that the scoffers are “willingly ignorant” of the creation, flood as well as God’s patience. There may be many things we do not understand, but Peter tells us that the seemingly long time span is due to God’s longsuffering, waiting for more to be won into the kingdom before the Day of Judgment.

BE diligent (2 Peter 3:14)

      Diligence should be found in our upward look; our outward conduct and our daily witnessing (3:15). It may seem like our witnessing is futile and we see little results from our efforts, but we must always keep in mind that it is only our job to witness not make them believe (1 Cor 3:6). Christ is returning so we should not become weary and our walk does matter to Him and us, so we should never give up.

Beware (2 Peter 3:17)

      The Christian who is not alert to the errors of the wicked is in constant danger of falling way (2 Pet 2:18-22). Prior to Peter’s warning of 3:17 he spoke the words of 2:18-22. We must constantly beware of “puffed up words” and rely upon God’s words as a sure nail that holds us to Him. Negatively, Peter says beware, but on the positive side he says, “be ye holy, be ye steadfast, be faithful unto death.