Evidence of the Spirit’s filling

Ephesians 5:18  And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;

Contradiction today:

      There are many Christians and even ministers that think that it not against Scripture to drink alcoholic drinks as a “social” drinker. They will use this verse as proof that it is okay to drink as long as you do not become drunken – excess. In reality, medical science tells us that the alcohol in even one glass of beverage alcohol (beer) cannot be completely utilized by the body and the body places the unused portion in the body until it can be eliminated from the system, thus making it impossible for anyone to drink a little and not have the “slightest” effect upon them. So, then there is evidence of being filled with the effects of just a little alcohol.

      In the verse Paul counters the cult of “social” drinking by the words that follow – but be continually filled with the Holy Spirit. One cannot be filled with the Holy Spirit (which implies complete control by the Holy Spirit), if he/she has come to even the slightest degree under the control of alcohol (or anything else that controls us).

      Being fully controlled and guided by the Holy Spirit is not just a one-time experience; it should be a continual experience – a moment-by-moment control of our thoughts and actions by God. In practice, it is at best a repeated experience. In order to be controlled by Him we must yield control to Him and not another or anything. It is a conscious yielding of oneself to His control, seeking to hear His still small voice in all areas of life. (It should be noted that being filled with the Spirit does not necessarily come with great emotions).

Evidences of being filled:

      Believing/obeying the word – (Jn 16:13) Jesus said that the Spirit of Truth would teach/guide us into all truth and He does this thru the word (Jn 14:26). If there is no hunger for the word it raises serious doubts about one’s relation to the Lord.

      Redeeming the time – Endeavoring to make the best of opportunities to witness and tell others about Christ. Being frugal about our work.

      Understanding God’s will (verse 17) – We will never completely understand God’s will. The word understanding means “to set together as perceived”; meaning we take events, circumstances and etc. and place them together with what we know from God’s word what He is trying to do with the events in our life (Ro 8:28-29).

      Singing and making melody in our hearts – being filled with the Spirit is accompanied by melody in our heart (our heart vibrating in tune with God) and singing spiritual hymns and songs with and to one another.

      Godly conversation (verse 19) – speaking to one another about the Lord. Praising Him for His goodness and grace.

      Thanks giving (verse 20) – Anyone who is filled with the Spirit will have an attitude of giving thanks. A grumbler or constant complainer is evidence they are not filled with the Spirit.

      Boldness to witness (Acts 4:31) – The Spirit will enable us to be a powerful witness for Christ.

      Right family attitudes (verse 22-25) – Paul prefaces his instruction of family order by showing that being filled with the Spirit causes us to be willing to submit to one another (verse 21) – indicating a spirit of humility.