Being a disciple – walking with Jesus

(Mat 16:24)  Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

              People say they will walk with Jesus and that is great, but do they really mean it. Jesus said in the verse above if any will walk with Him they must first deny himself.

              What does it mean to deny oneself? Most often we think of dieting when we think of denying our self. But in dieting we are simply denying our body the extra or luxury item that we are craving. Biblical denying has deeper meaning than this. The word literally means to deny one’s own interest, acquaintances or connection with others; hence when Jesus said that they who desire to come after Him must hate father, mother, brother, sister and their own life. When we think of “hating”, we immediately think of “feelings”, but hate is not feelings, but actions. It means placing Jesus before any acquaintance or connection to other people – even our own family. It means placing Jesus before our own interests and life.

      When people say they are willing to follow Jesus they think of good things, pleasant paths and an enjoyable life. Too many preachers deceive people into believing that following Jesus will produce wealth, health and good times. Jesus never preached or taught this type of life. Jesus said: “The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.” The man had said: “Master, I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest.” Is not this what many say today, “I will follow Jesus wherever He goes”. But when the path leads through some areas we do not like we look for some way to counter it. Jesus never sugar-coated it, on one occasion Jesus told the disciples: “In this world you will have tribulation. . .”

      If we are going to truly follow Jesus we will deny our own interests including the pleasures that have so attached the church to the world. Just ask people to follow Jesus to revival services or Wednesday prayer and Bible Study and see what they say. “My favorite television program is on Wednesdays, I can’t go to prayer meeting.” “I’m too tired after work to go to revival meetings.” On and on the excuses will go, but these same people say they will follow Jesus.

      Jesus also said that those who follow Him have to take up their cross and follow. What does it mean to take up a cross? First it is not Jesus’ cross. Jesus said take up his (the one following) cross. We confuse some physical ailment, disease or problem we have as our cross. But Jesus said we are to “take it up” – that means a willingly taking up of our cross. Those who have some sort of disease or physical ailment, have you willingly taken it up? Did you ask God, “Please give me cancer for my cross.”? “Please give me this problem for my cross.” No, we don’t do that but we try to make those things out to be our cross. (We may at times ask God to take the disease that afflicts our child and put it upon us, but again that is not taking up a cross for Him). Jesus said the cross we take up is one of our own choosing not some random, inherited disease or problem in life. It is something we willingly take up as part of our following Him – walking with Him. Paul said: “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” A cross we take up may be to live a godly life before our ungodly family. Refusing to be partaker of their sinful lifestyle or practices; refusing to go to family reunions because they are making it into a booze party or perhaps a pot party. It means living a godly life before the world’s ungodliness and suffering for it. It may be the cross of witnessing to our lost neighbors or even that of being a missionary around the world and leaving the comforts of home and other things – these are true crosses.

      Many who say they will walk with Jesus do not even attend church anywhere; they sit in front of their television watching some tele-evangelist tell them how good they are or they are going to be happy, healthy and wealthy if they just send them money; while they eat and drink their favorite snack.

      Following Jesus is much more than just saying “I will’, but actually following Him.