Blessed is the nation

Psalm 33:12  Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.

          America was founded upon Christian principles and ideals. Although not all the Founding Fathers were Christian they were all God-fearing men and women. Some in recent years have tried to change history to tell us that they were all atheists and unfortunately there are those who actually believed this lie. The Fathers prayed for three hours before their congressional meetings, asking for divine help and guidance. If they were all atheists they would not pray at all let along for three hours.

          The Founding Fathers knew the text verse and its implications for our nation. Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD. The word LORD is Jehovah, the great I AM of the Old Testament times and especially the God who met with Moses to bring Israel out of Egyptian bondage and into the Promised Land. They knew which religion was being expressed by this passage and what the implications of it were. They were convinced that the God of the Bible was being identified as the One who blesses any nation that confirms Him as their God.

          This land of America was blessed and is still riding thd coat tails of the Fathers who knew the truth in this verse. They made Jehovah the God of America and based our laws and guiding principles upon the Bible. Early in this country’s beginning all Supreme Court justices were members of the clergy, later when not all were clergy, the justices would seek advice for decisions from the clergy as to what the Bible said about certain cases. As the years past, succeeding justices looked at previous court decisions and the constitution for guiding principles. Today liberal justices look at other countries and religions for guidance for decisions and neglect the constitution (claiming the constitution is a living document – one that changes with the sinfulness of men).

          Unfortunately, today many have forgotten God and made man the god of their ideals. This latest election and the perpetual rage from liberals on the left show their viciousness in attacking anything and anyone that presents a standard or morality that does not meet their approval.

          God says His word is settled in heaven, so the promise of a blessed nation still holds for any nation making Him God over their land. I fear this will not happen again as it began over two hundred years ago. But since Jehovah is God and His word is true and forever settled in heaven, He will rule this world through Jesus Christ His Son and all will worship and serve Him. Until then, all who know the truth must hold fast and contend for the faith.