Born of God

(1 John 2:29) If ye know that he is righteous, ye know that every one that doeth righteousness is born of him.

Seven times:

There are seven times the phrase “born of God” or “born of Him” occur in John’s first epistle. These seven descriptors give us a way to recognize if a person has been truly born again.

Tests given by John:

1. Righteous 1 Jn 2:29 John says that we know that Jesus is righteous then the one who is born of Him is also righteous – lives a righteous life (Ro 8:9) because the very Spirit of Christ indwells that person and produces righteousness in them. Righteousness originates from God and is imparted unto His children. The word righteous means to live by divine law; obey commands of God. Jesus lived the perfect life while in the flesh on the earth. He never violated the slightest law and always did that which was pleasing to the Father (Jn 8:28). Pilate confessed Jesus to be innocent of any wrong doing. Jesus also challenged the people to find sin in Him (Jn 8:46).

2. Doth not commit sin 1 Jn 3:9 John says that a person that is truly born of God will not commit sin (in the continuous tenses meaning to practice sin). Commit means to have a share in it; wander from the law. So, one who is born again does not have a share in sinning or wander from God’s law. John says the reason that one does not continue in sin is God’s Spirit lives within him or her and instructs, guides, convicts and convinces. It is for this reason Paul warns not to grieve the Spirit or quench Him.

3. Genuine love 1 Jn 4:7 John says that a person who is truly born of God will manifest genuine love. We are commanded to love God with our whole heart, mind, soul and strength and to also love our neighbor as our self. When God commands us to love others He supplies the love we need to love them (Ro 5:5). Love will produce works toward God and others. It will produce proper attitudes and reactions to difficult situations. Love will produce a sincere concern for others (Rom 13:8, 10; 1 Tim 1:5; Gal 5:14). Love also is said to be the bond of perfection (Col 3:14). Paul says that faith and love work together in us to work out the Christian walk (Gal 5:6).

4. Faith in Christ 1 Jn 5:1 Genuine faith is a characteristic of those who have been truly born of God. This does not mean that we will never doubt, but John says plainly that being born of God produces faith to believe that Jesus is the Messiah (1 Jn 2:22, 23). Believing that Jesus is the Son of God brings us salvation, but John was dealing with many who professed to be born again but denied the deity of Christ.

5. An overcomer 1 Jn5:4, 5 Jesus’ message to the churches in the Revelation was that overcomers receive the reward and eternal life. There is no reason for a truly born again person to be defeated by the world or the devil (1 Jn 4:4; Jn 16:33). Many have, but it was no fault of God; He has promised us help, strength and anything needed to be victorious (1 Cor 10:13).

6. Keeps free of snares 1 Jn 5:18 John says that a truly born again person will not continue in sin and is able to be in control of his or her destiny (Jude 21; Rev. 12:11). We are more than conquerors in Christ and able to be victorious over the world, the flesh and the devil.

Seven mentions of “born of God” or “born of Him” and the six indicators if we are truly born again. Paul tells us to examine our self to be certain we are in the faith, and looking at the Scriptures is an excellent way.