Christian development

2 Peter 3:18  But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.

 Growing in grace:

      Peter admonishes Christians to grow in grace and knowledge. In 1 Pet 2:2 Peter urges young Christians to feed on the milk of the word in order to grow in grace. The word is our spiritual food to enable us to grow spiritually. The milk of the word is the first principles of doctrine Heb 5:12-6:2 when we become Christian. The writer of Hebrews urges believers to go beyond these into a deeper walk and perfection (completion) of knowledge and understanding. It is unfortunate that many believers do not get beyond the childish stage of Christianity and this is the reason there are so many church splits, squabbles and divisions (1 Cor 3:1-3); many believers want evangelistic preaching most or all the time thinking about people being saved, but it is not the way Jesus taught not the Bible confirms it is to be taught (Isa 28:10; Eze 44:23). The Scripture says that when Jesus was come to the Mount of Olives He sat down and “taught” the people.

Peter used the word brephos when referring to us as new born babes. This term means one that is just born or recently born. Then Paul uses nepios in 1 Cor 3 describing carnal Christians – one who is in the toddler stage; born but not very far along. Many are in this stage of development as far as knowledge goes but especially a toddler because of not fully surrendering to Christ and His Lordship. The principles many remain in are: repentance, baptism, laying on of hands, resurrection from the dead, faith and eternal judgment. We are urged to go on into further and involved doctrines of the Bible – Divine revelation, inspiration, God, Christ, Holy Spirit, trinity, angels, demons, covenants, creation, sin, substitution, regeneration, sanctification, adoption eschatology etc. Growth in grace requires study of the word. Growth in the knowledge of Christ requires study of the word and prayer as well a quality time in fellowship with Him.

Abounding in grace Rom 5:20

            God does not leave us when we are saved, but Goes with us and provides for us all we need to grow and advance as Christians. God’s grace abounds when sin abounds (sin tries to subdue or overwhelm us). Paul says that where sin abounds grace is in “superabundance”. As the song writer expresses it: it was grace that taught my heart to fear and grace my fears relieved. It is God’s grace working by and thru the Holy Spirit that enables us to live victoriously in this sinful world.

Carnality and rebellion Rom 8:7

            Paul instructs us to not conform to this world but be transformed by the renewing of our mind. This is accomplished by study of the word and the mind is the avenue to the heart. However, the carnal mind is not subject to the law of God and cannot ever be subjugated to it because it is enmity against God and refuses the light of God’s word. Job references those who rebel against the Light (Job 24:13). God’s word is referred to as light and His law is light for us (Prov 6:23). There needs to be systematic Bible study going from the first principles and advancing to meatier portions of the word and doctrines for a deeper life and fellowship with God. The disciples experienced a deeper teaching of God’s word when Jesus was here and often He would take them aside to expound and explain His teaching pertaining to truths. We must also recognize there is a definite relationship between growing and maturing and the Holy Spirit, God’s word and our yielding to Him (Jn 14:26; 16:12-13).