Evil men (and women)

2 Timothy 3:13  But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

In recent days we have seen the work of evil men and women in the assassination attempt of Donald Trump. The fear and panic of a possible return to American values (at least a little) is seen in these events.

A return to even a little of what America was founded upon brings the true color out in he liberals and radical left. They are like the people at the Tower of Babel who wanted to be their own god and set their own values and standards – just like the WOKE, PC, BLM, LGBTQ and others do today.

The text says evil men – these are those who desire to cause hurt or pain to others.  We have seen this in the last four years. The insane ideas of global warming and the push to worship “Mother Earth” and nature have put tremendous strain upon most people – except the wealthy.

Seducers is a word we rarely use today but it ,meas “imposter” and also “wizards”.– we certainly don’t have to look far in DC to see multitudes of those. Many of the people in DC profess to be Christian but they are imposters. Jesus said you can tell a tree by its fruit – and their fruit is rotten.

We seldom use the word “wax” except in referring to candles, but it means that their evil and pernicious ways will grow and grow – just like weeds in a garden.

These evil men and women will do all they can to defeat true American values and Christianity. We can expect to see some very deadly and inventive schemes to rid American of any vestige of Christianity and former American values. All Christians should take this as a call to constant and fervent prayer.