Forty days

Ten different forty days:

There are ten forty day periods mentioned in Scripture. Looking at them, we sense that forty days is a time of testing or sorrow. One period is not necessarily a time of testing or sorrow but of joy accompanied by instruction and testing. Those forty day periods are: length of flood (Gen 7:17); sending forth of birds from ark (Gen. 8:6); Israel’s (Jacob) embalming and mourning (Gen 50:2,3): Moses on the Mount (Ex 24:18); spies in Canaan (Num 13:25); defiance of the Philistines (1 Sam 17:16); Elijah’s journey to Horeb (1 Ki 19:18);; Jonah’s preaching (Jonah 3:4); Christ’s temptation (Lu 4:1,2); Christ’s post resurrection ministry (Acts 1:3). Moses was in the mount two times to receive the law so you could say there are eleven forty day times of testing.

Different types of testing:

Each period had its own particular type of testing – either for the individual or for others associated with that person.

The flood brought destruction and judgment upon the earth and its wickedness. The testing would have been for Noah and His family as they waited the storm out in the ark. Their faith was tested – could they trust God through the awful flood and destruction.

The sending forth of the raven and dove would have another test of Noah and his family. They had endured and survived the flood and now they were waiting the exiting from the ark and possession of a new land. What would they have in the new land when they finally left the ark?

When Moses went up on the mount to receive the law it was a test for Israel in the valley below. They did not see or hear from him for forty days and they became fearful and anxious. Finally, their faith in Moses and God was exhausted and they became idolatrous. Because of their sin judgment fell upon many and they experienced certain loss. They once again were tested as Moses broke the first table of law and went the second time into the mount to receive the law from God again. This time, however, they remained loyal and received the Ten Commandments.

When the spies went to spy out the Promised Land they were gone forty days and once again their faith in God was put to a test. Sadly, once again they failed and because of their failure they all died in the wilderness with the exception of Joshua and Caleb. Their forty day test turned into a forty year sentence.

Israel finally came into possession of the Promised Land and their new king and the nation were put to another test. Would they trust God or allow the Philistines to control them? Goliath, the champion of the Philistines, challenged Israel and their God for forty days. Once again their faith was lacking until David arrived with an unbeatable faith.

Elijah was tested in his work for God and he fled at the threat of Jezebel. God ministered to him through an angel and some special food. Elijah traveled on that food for forty days until he came to a cave where he met with God and was given his next assignment and assurance that he labors were not in vain and he was not the only one contending for God.

When Jonah preached to Nineveh both he and the people were tested. Jonah failed his test and went into a pout, but the people of Nineveh repented and the city was spared.

Christ’s temptation in the wilderness was twofold – it was a test upon Him as our sacrifice and a test upon God’s plan for man’s salvation. He was the second Adam and as this He was tested in His obedience to God and also His faith in God to provide for Him in the human sense. Jesus passed this test and because of it He became the Sacrifice for the whole world.

The last forty day period was a test for the believers as they enjoyed the presence of the Lord Jesus over that period and also for their re-education in the things of God. Jesus taught them many things pertaining to the kingdom. They were being tested to be faithful to the risen Lord in learning and continuing in the faith.