Hebrews 9:27-28 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.
There are four facts that everyone should seriously consider.
- The unsaved are condemned Ro 3:23
The wrath of God abides on them Jn 3:36. When a person dies lost he/she are there forever — death in this state is forever. To be almost saved is to be totally lost. God’s wrath hovers over sin and sinners like a pending destruction. As an angel of death, God’s wrath awaits the command to strike them down. The angel stood in the way of Balaam with His sword drawn to slay, so every sinner is in jeopardy of being struck by God’s sword of judgment and wrath; at any moment he/she may be cut asunder.
Within the bosom of any/all sinners beats a heart capable of committing any sin because they obey their father (Jn 8:44). There is no restraint from the indwelling Holy Spirit.
- Everyone faces two inescapable experiences
- Physical death
Christians may escape death thru the rapture but only Christians are able to escape death if they live long enough to see Christ’s return. We are told to always be faithful and prepared; prepared for either His coming or being summoned home. Death is the doorway into eternity – either eternal life or eternal death. Death is a release often for the Christian – release from pain and suffering. For unsaved it is a release from this physical world into a far worse world of pain and suffering.
- Divine judgment
All will be judged — Christians will be judged according to their works for either rewards or loss of rewards and shame. Sinners will be judged for opportunities and their involvement and depth of sin. 2 Pet 2:20.
III. Jesus is the only way to eternal life
No one will enter heaven without Christ — there is no other Savior. The church, baptism, good works and membership will only condemn people. They embrace these ordinances thinking they will save them, but they will only condemn their unrepentant life. His blood alone will avail sinners, because without shedding of blood is no remission Sins can only be washed away by the blood of Christ. Only He is able to divert Divine judgment away from us.
- This life only is the time for salvation
After death there is no repentance possible — once we die opportunity is past Rev 22:11. In whatever state you die there will eternity keep you. Dying in sin prevents you from entering heaven. Sin must be forgiven now not later 1 Tim 5:24. We cannot come to Christ just any time – only when the Holy Spirit awakens our conscience and we realize we are sinners. Unless He awakens we cannot be saved — we cannot get saved when we please, but when He calls. Is He calling you now?