The perfections of God
Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
Our perfect Creator
Since God is Creator of the universe, all that He does is right and all He says is truth. The world He created was perfect; the Word of God is perfect, every work He accomplishes is perfect; all the ways He follows are perfect and the will He reveals is perfect.
His perfect world
In Gen 1:31 it tells us that all that God created was good. We can only imagine what this world was like when it was first created. We can only dream of what Adam and Eve experienced before the fall. It was the perfect place to live – no rotten fruit, death, pain, sorrow or anything of that sort. Now, because of sin, it groans in pain waiting the day when the curse will be lifted and we will once again experience a perfect world (Rev 21:5).
His perfect word
God’s word is perfect (Psa 19:7) and it is given to us that we may become perfect (2 Ti 3:16). God’s word is much to us (Psa 119:96-100) and we need it in our life daily. We need to read it, memorize portions of it and live by it (Jam 1:21). God’s word is like fire and a hammer (Jer 23:29), it is a sharp sword (He 4:12), a lamp (Psa 119:105), an inner light (Psa 119:130), our joy and rejoicing (Jer 15:16). There is power in God’s word for Jesus used it when contending with the devil in the wilderness.
His perfect works
All that God does is perfect (Jam 1:17). We may not understand how and why of his works but we can be sure they are all perfect (Deut 32:4). Not only His work in creation but also His work in our redemption and reconciliation is perfect. All His works throughout history are perfect and man can only stand back in awe at the greatness and perfection of God and his works.
His perfect ways
Psa 18:30 tells us God’s ways are perfect. His ways are not our ways (Isa 55:8, 9); we yield to our sinfulness and fallen nature, but God will faithfully give to us the knowledge of His ways and His grace and Holy Spirit to enable us to walk in His ways (Ge 17:1). If we trust Him and allow Him, He will guide us (Prov 3:5, 6).
His perfect will
God desires us to surrender our sprit, soul and body to Him so that we may prove to the world His perfect will (Ro 12:1, 2). God’s will for us is perfect but unfortunately we think we know better than God and get the “I wants” and soon depart out of his will and follow our own ways (2 Pet 2:2).