Remember His benefits
Psalm 103:2 Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:
God has many benefits for us
The song writer said, “Count Your Many Blessings” and we would be surprised what the Lord has done. In this Psalm, David lists numerous benefits from God. This is a partial list of His many benefits to and for us.
1. Forgiveness — Verse three says that He forgives all our iniquities. The one song writer said, “My sin not in part, but the whole, is nailed to His cross and I bear it no more, praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, O my soul.” God does a complete work on us and forgives all and not only forgives, but cleanses (1 Jn 1:7).
2. Healing — In verse three also he says God heals all our diseases. While we may not experience the healing of all disease in this life, He has given man so much knowledge and understanding that many diseases have been either eliminated or nearly eliminated from existence. All disease will be wiped away in the kingdom age and in heaven there will be no disease. The last enemy of our physical is death and that, too will be eliminated (1 Cor 15:26; Rev. 21:4).
3. Redemption — (verse 4) Redemption has a twofold meaning: one of being rescued from an enemy or the oppression and the other bought out of slavery and carries with it the idea of a ransom price. The word destruction means “pit, grave, pit for catching lions, Sheol”. So, we may say that this benefit focuses much upon being rescued from the snares of the enemy — sin’s power as well as eternal hell. All this was accomplished at a price — the precious blood of Christ (1 Pet 1:18-19).
4. Honor — verse 4 also says, “Who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies.” God’s mercy is from everlasting to everlasting and David says He crowns, which can also mean surround, so we may say that God literally surrounds us with His lovingkindness and tender mercies.
5. Provision — verse six tells us that God provides for us — physically and spiritually, emotionally and mentally. The word mouth means ornament and is thought by many to mean the spirit of man. Whether it be our soul/spirit or the physical mouth, God provides for us and satisfies us (Jam 1:17).
6. Strength — verse five also speaks of renewing our strength. David compares it to that of an eagle. We may understand this in a threefold manner. First, our physical is renewed daily as we walk with God. Eventually, our physical bodies deteriorate and we die, but as we follow God and His divine plan we experience certain renewing. Second, our civil state, our earthly success and progress. As we honor God we will experience grace and strength in life. Third, our spiritual state; as we follow and obey God and His word our inward man is renewed daily (Isa 40:31; 2 Cor 4:16).
7. Protection — verse 6 tells us that the Lord is righteous and executes righteous judgment. We may at times feel that God does not notice the injustices that we suffer, but David says He does see and will execute judgment for those who are oppressed.
All these and many more are the benefits of our Heavenly Father. It is no wonder that the Psalm begins and ends with “Bless the Lord, oh my soul.”