1 John 4:13 Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit.
John’s word use:
John uses the phrase “hereby know” eight times in his first epistle. The phrase means by this we understand, perceive or know and is the opposite of many belief systems that strand the follower in doubt and uncertainty. John emphasizes that we can know and do know by the way he uses this phrase in this epistle.
His eight uses of it:
1 Jn 2:3 – John says we can know that we do actually know God by our lifestyle. To keep His commands is to attend to carefully; to under go something. The word “submit” relates to that; as part of the definition – to submit under. We live our daily life closely in subjection to God’s commands.
1 Jn 2:5 – Here John equates attending to carefully; undergoing something to God’s entire word — logos (portions of God’s word are recorded as rhemas), but logos means the entire word of God. David said that God’s entire word is a lamp unto his feet and a light unto his path, thus using God’s entire word as his guide. John says that this is an expression of loving God and by this we can know that we abide in Him (Jn 15:10).
1 Jn 3:16 – The word “know” is translated perceive in this verse, but it means the same. We know that He truly loved us by taking on a body of flesh and dying for us on the cross. Many ask, “How can I know that God loves me?” John tells us, it is by Christ’s death on the cross. In the same verse then, John says that this love expressed toward us ought also to teach us about sacrifice for another.
1 Jn 3:18-19 – John tells us that if we truly have agape love we will express it not only in words and tongue but in deeds (actions). The word “deed’ is business, occupation and “truth” is appertaining to God and the duties of man: moral and religious. This goes along with what James tells us about faith and works – we are persuaded about our experience by the change in us and our life.
1 Jn 3:24 – Here John expressed the change that has taken place in us by God’s indwelling Spirit. Before salvation we were disobedient and rebellious, but after being saved, God’s Spirit works in us and changes us to be obedient.
1 Jn 4:2 – John spoke often about the spirit of antichrist that was in the world and the Antichrist that was to come. The spirit of antichrist draws people into false belief systems and Christ is the dividing line between true belief and doctrine and false belief and doctrine. In this verse he tells us that those who truly believe, accept the divinity of Christ and His humanity as well. It also would include all the teachings about Christ in God’s word.
1 Jn 4:6 – Again in this verse John elaborates upon knowing the spirit or error from the spirit of truth. Many today are confused by false teaching and indoctrinations by pseudo religious groups. The spirit that permeates them and their teaching will not accept the truth of and about God, especially relating to Christ.
1 Jn 4:13 – Our text verse sums up John’s teaching on knowing. Jesus said that we know by similar things John taught – Jn 14:23; 15:4; 14:20