Holy Spirit — Fruit of peace

Romans 5:1  Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:

Three-fold aspect of peace:

     The Bible presents a three-fold aspect in the area of peace – peace with God; peace of God and peace on earth.

Peace with God:

Peace with God (Ro 5:1; Eph 2:14-17), the peace provided between the sinner and God through the work of Christ, entered into by faith. Sin is in direct opposition to God and when we sin or align with sinners we are in an enemy relationship to God (Jam 4:4; Isa 48:12; 57:20-21). Sin keeps us from God and hides His face (Isa 59:1-2). When Christ died for our sins He took away that barrier between us and God and all who admit they are sinners and seek forgiveness can now enter into peace with God (2 Cor 5:18-19).

Peace of God:

Peace of God (Phil 4:7), inward peace, the state of the soul that has through faith entered into family relationship with God (Lu 7:50). The state of the soul when one has given their anxieties to God in prayer with thanksgiving in supplication and petition (Phil 4:6). There is also the peace within ourself that a believer enters after confessing and forsaking their sin and renouncing the accusations of the enemy (Heb 9:13).

Peace on earth:

 Peace on earth also peace with our fellowman (Lu 2:14; Psa 72:7; Isa 9:6-7). The future peace that will be upon this earth when Christ sits upon the throne of His righteousness; there will be no wars and fighting as we have now (Isa 2:4). Until that time there will be wars and rumors of wars, nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. But we can have peace with our fellowman to a certain extent as we allow God to work in us and through us (2 Cor 5:18-19). We can have peace with most; but not all will be peaceful towards us (Rom 12:18; Eph 4:3; He 12:14).