Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
Leviticus 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
Abomination to God:
The word used for abomination is toebah and literally means “a disgusting thing, abomination” and in every occurrence it is either translated as abomination, abominable thing or just abominable. When a person commits the sin of homosexuality it is also called “going after strange flesh” (Jude 7); the word strange is also used in relation to other gods (Josh 24:23), and also a foreign woman or a prostitute or temptress (1 Ki 11:1; Prov 6:24).
Called sodomy:
The name sodomite comes from the city of Sodom where this prevalent sin is recorded in Scripture was that of homosexuality (Gen 19:4-5). This was not their only sin because there was much wickedness in it (Jer 23:13-14; Eze 16:48-50).
The practice of sodomy was associated with false gods and the worship of them (Jud 19:22; 1 Ki 14:24). This along with other cultic practices were part of the abominable practices associated with false worship (1 Ki 18:26, 28; Deut 18:10; 2 Ki 16:23).
Paul tells us that the sin of sodomy was the result of people rejecting God when they once knew him and finally God gave them over to a reprobate mind and the sinful desires of sodomy (Ro 1:18-32).
Prevalence of it goes along with apostasy:
The practice of sodomy is associated with apostasy (turning away from God and His way) along with false gods and other practices. When revival comes then these practices are eliminated (1 Ki 14:22-24; 15:11-13; 22:45-46; 2 Ki 23:1-10). It was a practice in NT times as well but when the gospel came and people were saved, they turned from these things (1 Cor 6:9-11).
Homosexuality today:
More and more people are saying they have tendencies toward those of the same sex and more prominence is being given toward the sodomite lifestyle and practice to the point the issue of homosexual marriage has now been decided by the Supreme Court (Ireland has also approved it as legal). The statistics from several years ago reported that only about 2-3% of the population were homosexual, but today there seems to be a growing number of people (many claiming to be Christian) who say they have tendency toward those of the same sex. A number of churches and denominations have succumbed to the pressure and are now permitting homosexual men and women to be members, hold offices in the church and even ordaining them into the ministry. Much of the reason for this change is general apostasy associated with political correctness and false teaching of Scripture – often it is thru the twisting of the Scriptures they prove true what God says is false (2 Pe 3:15-16).
Why so many today:
There seems to be a number of “professing Christian” young people who are declaring that they are attracted to those of the same sex and they have no desires toward heterosexual relations. A number say they come from loving, Christian homes and were brought up in traditional Christian belief systems, and they have made a commitment to Christ and desire to follow Him thru their life. We are told that the last days will exhibit many bad things and among them perhaps we can see the cause of this phenomenon (2 Ti 3:1-7; 4:3-4; Jude 17-19; 1 Ti 4:1)
We must take care that because there seems to be a prevalence of those declaring their homosexual desires that it makes it right. In Noah’s day we see that Noah was in the minority and those who committed wickedness in the majority and we know how that worked out.