It’s my life

Jeremiah 1:5   Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. 

            The issue of abortion is once again in the news and the nation’s top story. Since the overturning of Roe v Wade there has been a non-stop barrage of information and misses information about it. The issue of abortion has divided this nation for a long time – the pro-life on one side and the pro-choice on the other side. Years ago it used to be pro-abortion and anti-abortion, but the names were changed to present a better status among people. Anti means against so they changed to pro-life which means “for” life. Pro-abortion changed to pro-choice to give the idea that those in favor of stopping abortions were against a person’s choice. If you think about it the “choice” was made long before the child was conceived. You often hear the phrase, “it’s my body!”, thinking and purporting that gives them the right to end the life of the unborn baby. You heard our former prudent, Obama, say he wanted abortion to be “safe” and “few”, but neither is the case. Abortions under his watch increased and no abortion is safe. There are always consequences to our choices in life and abortion tops the list of bad consequences. First taking the life of an innocent baby is to invoke the displeasure and wrath of God upon the perpetrators. Second, there is always a psychological effect upon the mother and often those who perform or aid in the abortion. Thirdly, what detraction is there upon the family, community and nation in the aborting of a baby? We will not know this side of eternity what benefit we destroyed by killing the baby. Could the child have been a doctor or researcher that found a cure for cancer? Would the child have grown to be a great statesman or missionary or scientist, etc. have we robbed the world of by abortion? The consequences go on through human history and into the future.

Demonic practice:

            Since abortion was made legal in 1973 over 63 million babies were aborted in the US and 12 billion worldwide in the last 40 years. But we are not the first ones to deal with or perform such atrocity. The people of Canaan and later Israel when they turned from the Lord would place their babies in the brass arms of a red hot image of Baal and watch their babies cook to death screaming. Some might say, “We don’t do that.” But in some places they give you a 28 day period to decide if you want the child. So 28 days after giving birth you can decide you do not want the child and have it put to death.

            There is no greater abomination to God than to kill the innocent and babies are the most innocent. Even wild beast will fight to the death to protect their young, but man has become lower than beats by offering their young upon the altar of pleasure and selfishness.

            If you have been involved in this sin there is hope for you. The hope is in Jesus Christ and His death upon the cross. Come to Him in confession and repentance and receive His forgiveness and pardon.