Judging – 2

Matthew 7:1  Judge not, that ye be not judged.

Familiar maxim:

     Often we hear this verse quoted by unbelievers or carnal Christians when someone will say something about them, their actions, dress , etc. It is used as a rebuke to those whom they regard as intolerant to them or their ways. These are the words of Christ and they are given as a warning to the self-righteous condemnation of others with whom they disagree on the basis of superficial criteria.

Differing words:

      Matt 7:1 – krino:  ”to pass judgment; to sentence”

      1 Cor 2:15 – anakrino: “question; examine; evaluate”

      1 Cor 11:31 – diakrino: “make distinction; weigh thoroughly”

      Gal 6:4; 1 Jn 4:1 – dokimazo: “test; examine; interpret”

  2 Cor 13:5 – peirazo: “examine; to prove; to try”

Discerning and judging:

      The command of Jesus not to judge does not relieve us of our duty to be a discerning and examining people. We are to evaluate beliefs, actions and spirits in light of Scripture. Matt 10:16 is a directive from Jesus for us in this world of wickedness.

      It is important for us to know the difference between a judging spirit and being discerning. While judging in its truest sense is for God and his word (Ro 2:16; Jn 12:48; 2 Cor 5:10; 1 Pe 4:5), we are to discern and examine in light of God’s word (1 Cor 2:15; 11:28, 31; Gal 6:4; 1 Jn 4:1).

      A judgmental person condemns another in a small matter disregarding a bigger area of problem in their own life (Matt 7:3). They often form an opinion upon “hearsay” rather than facts and will look for “evidence” to back up the hearsay.

      Discerning people search their own self before criticizing another and/or evaluates the other’s speech, attitude, conduct or appearance in light of God’s word.

Knowing my spirit/motives:

      Indications of having a judgmental spirit are: 1) another’s failure improves my opinion of myself; 2) another’s failure decreases my concern for own faults; 3) another’s failure gives me a strong desire to see them punished; 4) another’s failures cause me to be unforgiving.

We are to discern:

      A few verses after Jesus warned against judging He gave a warning about “dogs” and “swine” and false prophets (Matt 7:6, 15. Being obedient to this requires that we perform some kind of evaluation or discerning concerning who are dogs, swine or false prophets. Jesus told us in Jn 7:24 that our judging is to be righteous not acceding to our own perceptions.

      Since God will use His own words in judging (He 4:12; Jn 12:48; Rev 20:12) we are to judge using his word as our guide. Jesus also said to evaluate the fruit of people (Matt 7:18, 20) therefore, the test of Scripture and fruits can be the basis of our discernment.