Knowing and trusting

Psalm 9:10   And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, LORD, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.

Knowing the name of the Lord:

      God’s names are important, for they tell us about Him and His relationship to us and all of mankind. When Mary proclaimed, “God my Savior”, she was not only referencing Jesus as God, but also acknowledging that God is our Savior. There was not a struggle to persuade God to save mankind by Jesus and the Holy Spirit. God loves His creation and desires that all come to Him in repentance (2 Pet 3:9). To Isaiah, God announced His name (Isa 42:8) declaring He would not allow an idol to receive the glory belonging to Him.

 Jehovah is the most commonly known name for God, meaning the self existing One. He was before there was time or anything, He is presently and He will be eternally after this thing we know as time has vanished. (Rev 1:8, 11; 21:6; Isa 41:4). God was here before there was anything and He will be here after all is gone. There is none like Him and there will never be His equal.

      He is Elohim, the Almighty Creator. God spoke the world into existence with His very speaking. He spoke and it happened. Just as Jesus said, “Peace be still” to the wind and waves and they obeyed Him, so Elohim speaks of the Almighty Creator. God is all powerful and it was He Who created all things. It was not thru random chance and evolutionary process, but by the very will of God that the world exists. It was by His will that all things came into existence and He sustains all things thru His power and will.

      He is the Master of all – Adonai – Owner of all things. He is the gracious Master, nor a cruel taskmaster as the devil or sin. But He is loving, kind and tender. Jesus said, “Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me . . .” and the more we learn of this Master the more appealing He becomes. Jesus came to tell people about God (Jn 14: 6-9). People had the wrong idea of God – they emphasized only one aspect of God (His wrath and judgment), Jesus showed God to be a Father and merciful, loving and kind.

      He is none other than Jesus Christ – Anointed Messiah – the altogether lovely One. He has redeemed us out of the slave market of sin and made us part of the heavenly family. He is the only one who fully trusted God, who is altogether righteous and who perfectly manifested the Father’s name to the world; yet He was forsaken of God while He hung on the cross.

Knowing is to trust:

      If we know His name and names, we will surely not have difficulty placing our trust in Him. The word trust means take refuge in and surely if we truly know His name and believe, then we will not have difficulty making Him our Refuge. We can trust Him for protection from the assaults of the wicked one, from all harm and from hell itself.