Man of God

1 Timothy 6:11  But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.

Man or woman of God:

      The expression “man of God” appears 78 times in the Bible with only two occurrences in the New Testament, both of these are by Paul to Timothy the other being in 2 Timothy 3:17.  In the Old Testament it is used often of prophets or those sent by God for His work. Sometimes they are named and other times they are simply called the man of God. The first occurrence is in reference to Moses (Deut. 33:1) and often throughout the Old Testament he is called man of God. David is called man of God in Neh 12:24. In Judges when an angel appears to Manoah and his wife about Samson, he is called a man of God.

Qualities of a man or woman of God:

            Moses being called a man of God was a great leader and the law giver to Israel. He was also said to be the meekest man (Num 12:3). David being called a man of God is said to be a man after God’s own heart (Acts 13:22). From these two men we can conclude that two qualities of men and women of God are meekness and one who seeks God’s heart wholly.

Paul’s instruction for us:

      Drawing from the two passages in the New Testament, we can see a number of qualities that men and women of God should have or aspire to obtain. Paul instructs Timothy pertaining to these things as listed below.

  1. Submission to God’s order and authority structure (1 Tim 6:1, 2). Servants are to serve their masters with a single heart as to Christ (Col 3:22), and the masters are to be good to their servants remembering that they are also servants to Christ (Col 4:1). We can say then for us today that we’re to work as unto the Lord and not hate our boss and if a boss to remember we are under the authority of God.
  2. Timothy was told to teach these doctrines to those for whom he is responsible (1 Tim 6:2). He was not to allow them to try to circumvent this teaching by disputing over words or being proud and unteachable. Timothy was also instructed to teach by example (1 Tim. 4:12), so we, too are to teach either by words and/or our example.
  3. Timothy was told to avoid those who complain and groan about the Christian life (1 Tim 1:6). We too are to avoid those who would draw us into discussions about which they have no intention of learning but only desire to complain and cause division.
  4. Not pursuing great wealth and being content with our station in life (1 Tim. 6:6-10). He was not to labor for God for the monetary wealth he could gain but to allow God to provide for him as he serves in His field. (1 Tim 3:3; Titus 1:7; 1 Pet 5:2).
  5. He is to follow (run after) righteousness, which is every day practical living for God, godliness (becoming like Christ) and faith, love, patience, meekness which are parts of the fruit of the Spirit. He is to engage in the fight of faith, contending for its doctrines and principles (Jude 3).
  6. In 2 Timothy where Paul using the phrase again he is speaking in reference to God’s word and belief in its authority and origin. We can deduct that a belief in the authority and origin of the Bible is a quality that men and women of God are to display. Not only belief in but also adherence to and practice of God’s word will be included in being or becoming men and women of God.