Deuteronomy 8:18 But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.
Memory is a precious thing and we are fortunate to have memories. As we grow older or busier, we have difficulty remembering certain things. We have so many things to do, to remember, we often forget. New phones have calendars and organizers on them so we can enter our tasks or “to-do” lists so we do not forget. Dementia and Alzheimer’s rob us of our memories and it causes distress on those affected by it. God has given us this great blessing and He instructs us not to forget Him.
Memory is good and brings joy and pleasure when we remember the good things in life – those happy times that stamped an impression on our minds. When we remember those good times, places and people our hearts are warmed and brings a smile to our faces. We uses photos and videos to capture event for better remembrance.
We share our memories with others — we post them on Facebook or we make scrap books of our memories and sometimes we sit and reminisce.
Some memories can be painful when we remember our losses or difficulties or tragedies in the past. Sometimes the present is not as good as the past was and this can cause some pain to us. While these can be painful and remind us of our losses, they can also turn back to Christ. Jesus told the churches to remember (Rev. 2:5; 3:3).
When we remember as Christ tells us it is for repentance and restoration. When we remember better days spiritually and see where we are now, confession, repentance, and prayer can restore us to our former state.
Bad use of memory
When we remember the wrong things, some of which can never be erased, and we focus upon them and the evil associated with them, we can bring our self into bondage to them. If we continue to consciously remember evil done against us and hold onto it, we will become bitter and angry. Some things may never be erased from our memories, but to remember them against another is sinful. The Psalmist asks God not to remember his iniquities against him Psa 79:8. If we willfully remember we will never be able to forgive.
Some people live in the past and since they dwell upon it they are not able to function in the presence. If we refuse to move beyond past bad experiences, hurts and sorrows, we will become stagnant and unfruitful; we must use memory as a stepping stone for future achievements.
God’s plan
God gave us the ability to remember and He calls upon us to remember Him and what He has done. Memorials were given by God for us to remember and serve Him – stones in Jordan, communion.
Our memorials today are from the past to help us stay the coursed won by the sacrifice of former generations. Let us use them faithfully and not succumb to those who try to re-write history and tear down the memorials.