Our Mission...

Our mission is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to assist the helpless in Christ’s Name and disciple the youth generation.

About Us...

My Brother’s Keeper Ministries (MBK) is a Christian, non-denominational and non-profit organization based in Pennsylvania. Its main field is in Romania and involves: a pro-life center in the city of Oradea, sexual purity programs, summer camps, mentoring programs.

Founded in 1993 by Rev. William Holtry, My Brother’s Keeper (MBK) began working with the Roma population in the village of Batar, Romania. Throughout the years, MBK has been involved in Bible distribution, book translation and publication, radio programs, food and clothing distribution to state run orphanages, and prison ministry through music.

If you would like to learn more, please visit MBK.RO