Our faithful Lord

2 Thessalonians 3:3  But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil.

Many attributes

            Christ has many wonderful attributes and qualities, not the least of which is faithfulness. He is trustworthy and believable to do all that He has promised to do. He will keep us from the evil one and being overcome by evil (1 Cor 10:13) as we keep our self in His will and way.

            We have all gone astray and into sin and have ignored and forgotten Him, so why would He do this? Why does He care for us so?

He is our Creator

            He has created us and formed with a specific purpose in mind (Isa 43:7) and He does not desire that we live on a lower plain of life. He told Israel He had created and formed tem also (Isa 43:1). God has created man for His glory – and made man in His own image and gave him dominion over the rest of creation. It is sadness to God when any of His created beings goes away from Him and denies Him, so He loves us and because He is our loving Creator, He will be faithful to us.

He is our Savior

            God is our Savior as well as our Creator (1 Tim 2:3). When Paul says it this way, he is not denying that Christ suffered and died for us, but that the plan of salvation was/is in the heart of the Triune God from the foundation of the world. Christ, the second Person of the Trinity, took our place on the cross and satisfied the justice of the Triune God by dying for the penalty of sin. But salvation is not singularly equated to the second Person, Jesus Christ. God provided us with salvation from sin’s penalty, death and power; therefore, He loves us with an everlasting love and will remain faithful to us and keep us from evil. He did not die to save us and then send us on our own to try our best to live above sin.

            God sent the Holy Spirit, the very Spirit of Christ into us so that we would be able to live above sin and be able to keep His commands (Eze 36:26-27; Gal 5:16; Heb 13:21). God desires that His creations live in His way and according to His purpose, and will therefore guide us by His indwelling Spirit.

He is our Lord

            Jesus is not only our Savior but also our Lord. Lord denotes ownership and rule.  Peter mentioned this aspect on the day of Pentecost when preaching to the Jews (Acts 2:36). When we recognize we are sinners, we seek forgiveness from God thru the work of Christ on the cross and He becomes our Savior. However, He is not Lord until we surrender our all to Him in total consecration. Everyone will eventually acknowledge Him as Lord but when the unsaved acknowledge it, it will be too late (Phil 2:10-11). David as well as in other passages spoke of Jesus as being Lord (Psa 110:1; Jn 20:28; Ro 14:9; 1 Cor 12:3; 15:47). People have recognized him as Lord when He walked this earth (Jn 8:11). As Christians we have the joy and responsibility to acknowledge Him as Lord right now.