Prophecy 14

Revelation 8:1 And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.

Silence in heaven:

            Upon the opening of the seventh seal there is silence for half an hour in heaven. Most believe that this is an awe-struck silence before the sounding of trumpets and opening of the seals. The sounding of trumpets is preceded by mention of prayers of the saints and the casting of the incense onto the earth (Rev 6:10). The answers to prayers that have been kept by God are now being answered in full measure upon the earth.

Trumpets judgments:

            As the trumpets are sounded serious and frightening things occur on earth.

            First trumpet – Fire and hail mingled with blood falls onto the earth burning up a third of the trees and all green grass.

            Second trumpet – a meteor or asteroid falls into the sea (Mediterranean) and one third of it turns to blood, a third of sea creatures die and a third of the ships on the sea were destroyed. (*These were perhaps ships against Israel).

            Third trumpet – a giant meteor or asteroid comes into the atmosphere and either impacts earth or explodes causing radiation to fall and contaminate one third of the water supply killing those who drink it.

            Fourth trumpet – At the sounding of this trumpet the days become shortened by one third (one third of the day and one third of the night) so that the day is only

 16 hours long. The apparent impact of the meteorites or asteroids has caused the earth to increase in speed (Isa 24:20).

            Fifth trumpet – when this trumpet sounds John sees a star (perhaps an angel) descend and open the bottomless pit and from it proceed demon locusts that attack those who are not sealed with God’s seal on their foreheads. These people are tormented five months and it will be so bad they will attempt suicide, but will not be able to die.

            Sixth trumpet – When this trumpet is sounded the four angels in the Euphrates are loosed along with 200 million other demons (some believe that this is a communist Chinese army) that attack and kill one third of the people on earth – by smoke, fire and brimstone.

            Seventh trumpet – when this trumpet sounds there are voices in heaven and preparation is shown for the re-take of earth from the devil and his demons and the restoration of God’s kingdom.

Earth’s cry for help:

            The numerous supernatural things that happen at the sounding of the trumpets causes the people to seek help and look for answers in the universal religion of the day. But there is none to give answer and during this time they are prepared to accept the anti-Christ and follow his instructions and orders of buying and selling in order to survive. The earth will be nearly destroyed and they will gladly accept the man of sin and his ideas and ways.