Daniel 7:10 A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened.
Many people think that judgment day will be one special day and all will be present standing before God and we will find out then who is saved and who is not saved and to what degree of punishment or reward will be given to each. The Bible does not give us this sense of judgment. There seems to be three separate judgments in reference to time, place and type of judgment. These represent a finality judgment; however there are judgments declared and administered upon sin and people and nations prior to the final judgments (such as Israel going into captivity, judgments upon Egypt, etc.). Sin was judged at Calvary when Christ took the sins of the world upon His body and those who place their trust in Him receive the forgiveness of their sin (1 Tim 5:24). God is presently poring our judgment upon nations today because of their sin – America is being judged because of our embracing abortion, sodomy, transgenderism, etc. Any time you hear “historic” or “record-setting” regarding weather or natural events you know it is from the hand of God.
The three judgments:
Believers – Paul speaks of us coming before Christ for judgment (2 Cor 5:10; Rom 14:10). Most believe that this will happen after the rapture, but it is uncertain of the exact timing; Jesus declares His coming with rewards (Rev 22:12). Some believe we will receive our reward at the wedding supper or thereabouts, but if we believe Jesus’ parable of the pounds to be literal in time, then our rewards will be given out at the kingdom (Lu 19:15). When we are judged it will be for reward or loss of reward but not for salvation – we determine that here and now. (we’ll finish this blog on judgment next week)