Prophecy 17

Luke 22:53  When I was daily with you in the temple, ye stretched forth no hands against me: but this is your hour, and the power of darkness.

            When they cane to arrest Jesus prior to crucifying Him, Jesus made an interesting statement that is relevant to what is going on today. He made the case that they came by night away from crowds to arrest Him when they could have arrested Him in the temple or elsewhere. But they did not and then Jesus said, “but this is you hour, and the power of darkness.” The devil has been in rebellion against God since he tried to overthrow God as recorded by Isaiah (Isa 14:12-14) and he has continued his efforts to be king over this earth. In the temptation of Jesus he offered Jesus the kingdoms of this world if Jesus would bow down and worship him. The devil longs to be supreme ruler over the earth and control ALL the inhabitants having others help him in his rule. Many attempts have surfaced through the years to bring about his dream and desire, but the Holy Spirit stands in his way of total control.

            Jesus said that when they arrested Him to be tried and crucified it was his hour and the power of darkness.  The events of the last three years make us think that perhaps this is the hour and the power of darkness. The only thing holding back those powers from taking full control of the world is the Holy Spirit through the church and the Constitution of the United States. These two God ordained elements are withstanding the enemy’s take-over of the world.

In 1959 the World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA) was formed and in 1987 they composed a fifty page document called “The Constitution for the Federation of Earth”. (I will address more about this in later posts) The push for a New World Order (NWO) has been slowly pressing in upon the world and particularly Americans in the last few years. The election of Donald Trump sent the NWO camp into frenzy and they had to do something to eliminate him and his influence because they were losing their momentum. They had to find a way to overpower our free elections and they used a false pandemic to do that along with their threats and intimidations of their powerful allies in the shadow government. Now, through this plandemic, the masks, vaccine mandates and shuttering of businesses and churches, they are moving fast forward to destroy the constitution and eliminate the influence of the true church. They are using fear and intimidation to control the populace and propagate their plans and programs. Health officials have been lied to and research has been falsified and skewed in order to gain their control. Those medical personnel and researchers that are blazing a trail to show the truth of the virus and vaccine are being marginalized and silenced and the fake news media are complicit with the liberals and progressives attacking the freedoms of all people.

            Something the NWO crowd apparently did not take into consideration was the freedom loving people – ones who are the children of those who fought in two world wars to provide a free world. They are resisting, protesting and doing what they can to publicize the truth. Eventually they will be silenced or eliminated – just as Australians are being hunted down and forced to be vaccinated. It seems as though this is their hour and the power of darkness. BUT GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL.