Revelation 13:7 “ . . . and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.”
The word for power in this verse means “authority” but also carries the idea of superhuman potentate; This is used also of Jesus in Matthew 28. The coming world leader (anti-Christ) will be enabled and empowered by the devil and will have superhuman capabilities.
Previously I mentioned the World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA) and their composing of a world constitution. They desire a world government to address the problems they think are jeopardizing the world; among which most deal with the environment, military disarmament, world hunger and the economy. The preamble to this world constitution has nineteen articles and reads like a New Age occult manual.
The goal of this world government is total control over the world and all people. Article IV regulates weapons of mass destruction and also any lethal weapon – this will mean no gun ownership. This constitution also sets up an Executive branch that could with the stroke of a pen eliminate our God-ordained Constitution and freedoms.
All things are in place and the timing is the critical part of this equation. This WCPA has been flying under the radar – so to speak – for years without most noticing them. Now that we are seeing the mind-controlling of even Christians in a manufactured pandemic, we wonder how long it will be until we experience the full takeover of America. Daniel said, “ . . .the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.” (Dan 12:10). The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and as we read and study the Scriptures we understand more of what is happening today and prepare for events that are falling in place that will usher in a one world system ruled by the man of sin. We believe that the true church will not be here when this all happens, but there are many that are not prepared for that event and so we pray and work to the end we can shine for Jesus until then.