Prophecy 21 One world order — globalism

Genesis 47:13-14  And there was no bread in all the land; for the famine was very sore, so that the land of Egypt and all the land of Canaan fainted by reason of the famine.

14  And Joseph gathered up all the money that was found in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, for the corn which they bought: and Joseph brought the money into Pharaoh’s house.

 Either way you look at it Globalism or One World Order (OWO), it is coming to this world. They are both the same.

The book of Genesis has been revealed during these days of this plandemic and the push for globalism that shows us what will happen in reaction of people during a plandemic. Joseph was sent to Egypt by his jealous brothers, but God turned it into a way to save Israel from extermination. When Pharaoh had dreams that bothered him and his wise men could not explain he called for Joseph who revealed to him what God was going to do. There would be seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine. The warning came to tell people to prepare for the coming famine. Did anyone other than Joseph prepare? We are not told that they did, but we know that during the plenteous years Joseph gathered one fifth of the food during the years of plenty Gen 41:34 and so much came in during those years that he could not count it all Gen 41:49.

The people of Egypt experienced a terrible famine that deprived them of food. They apparently had not prepared for the famine even they may have been warned by Joseph, trusting Pharaoh to provide for them. The people willingly gave of all their money in order to buy food. The people of Canaan also came and gave of their money for food. Gen 41:56-57; 47:13-14. The famine continued to suppress the people and after they ran out of money they sold their livestock to the government Gen 47:15-17. Then they willingly gave their freedom to the government in order to have food – they had not prepared beforehand. They became vassals of the government

Dress rehearsal

We are seeing the same thing today. People who have not and will not prepare for the coming of Christ willingly give up their rights and freedoms over a false pandemic because they fear consequences. The globalists and progressives, Marxists and elitists are preparing for a world take over and this is just preparation for their next attack. If you keep awake and search you will discover facts and dates to show the falsehood of this plandemic and their nefarious plan and methods to prepare the world for the coming anti-Christ.

Are you prepared for Christ’s coming?