Prophecy 6

Luke 21:20  And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh.

Israel attacked:

            Ezekiel 38 & 39 tells of a host that comes against Israel in the latter days and surrounds them in order to destroy them (Eze 38:8-12). There have been various interpretations as to who all these hosts will be. Many believe that Russia will be a major player in it along with Muslim countries. Muslims have long desired to destroy Israel from off the earth and so have others through history – Germany, Palestine, etc. In the passage God says that He will defend Israel and leave one sixth of the attacking army (Eze 38:21-23; 39:2). According to the prophecy God will be the Defender of Israel and not another nation. Many believe that during g these days and during the tribulation America will defend Israel since we are their greatest ally today and defender of their right to exist.

Near and far fulfilment:

            Often prophetic passages have a near and far fulfilment in prophetic events. There is another attack by Gog and Magog recorded in Rev 20:9 but it is clear from the context of this passage that this will occur at the end of the millennial reign of Christ and satan is released from his prison for a little season (Rev 20:7-8). It is also appears that the destruction of the invading armies here is total and then it leads into the Great white Throne judgment. In the Ezekiel 38 & 39 passages it says that God leaves one sixth of the armies and their destruction is not from a fire from God but fighting among their armies, disease, flooding rains with hail stones and fire and brimstone. So the Ezekiel passages may be predicting both events or maybe they are separate prophecies altogether.

Rise of anti-Christ:

            According to Daniel this world ruler will endear himself to Israel and the world by bringing about peace among Israel and the Muslin enemies – a seven year peace treaty. Perhaps this attack on Israel and the miraculous deliverance by God will be hi-jacked by the anti-Christ and he will take credit for their protection and in this way (as a representative of Jehovah) will deceive Israel and the world into accepting him as the one able to rule to world.

Prior events:

            America has been founded upon Biblical principles and has been a blessing to the world by its Christian influence; but has fallen away in past years into apostasy that has begun in the church so that at present we have little influence upon the world. With the fall of true Christianity and greater apostasy and lawlessness, America will become a non-factor in world events and eventually may even join the world in its madness toward a one world government. After the church is gone things will rapidly deteriorate and all restraints will be removed. Just remember it was the lack of righteous people in Sodom and Gomorrah that brought destruction upon them.