Resurrection order of events

Mark 16:9  Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils.

            Mark tells us that when Jesus rose from the dead that He appeared first to Mary Magalene. But when you read the other gospels you wonder just who was next and what was the order of those appearances. So this week I put together a proposed order of resurrection day events. I don’t claim to have it perfect and if you see a flaw or would like to challenge it go ahead and we will agree to disagree (maybe – I may agree with you. )

  1. Mary Magdalene, Mary mother of Jesus, Salome and other women approach the sepulcher to anoint Jesus’ body. Matt 28:1; Mk 16:1; Lu 24:1
  2. While they are on the way there is an earthquake and the Angel of the Lord rolled back the stone and sat upon it. The guards apparently see him and fall down as dead men or they pass out.
  3. The women arrive within sight of the sepulcher, and they see the stone rolled away (but apparently not the angel). They also see the guards on the ground and suppose they are dead. Mary leaves the group and heads to tell Peter and John about it. Jn 20:1-2
  4. The other women approach the open sepulcher and look inside (apparently the angel is no longer on the stone or no visible). Upon looking inside they see two angels that tell them that Jesus is risen and they are to go and tell His disciples Mk 16:4-8; Lu 24:2-7; Matt 28:5-8
  5. They leave to find and tell the disciples Matt 28:8
  6. After the women leave the guards get up (either they awake or feel it I safe to leave) and go into town to tell what happened. They tell the rulers and the rulers pay them money to say the disciples came and stole the body of Jesus. Matt 28:11-15
  7. After the guards and women are gone away from the tomb, Peter and John arrive (during the time of these other tings Mary found Peter and John and told them someone had taken Jesus’ body). John gets to the tomb before Peter and looks inside and sees the grave clothes as if a caterpillar passed thru them and he believes in Jesus’ resurrection. Peter arrives and goes inside and looks around. Then they both leave. Luke 24:12; John 20:3-10
  8. Mary arrives at the tomb but does not leave with Peter and John and stands without weeping. She stoops down and looks into the sepulcher and sees two angels who ask her why she is crying. Mary turns around and sees Jesus but does not recognize Him and thinks He is a gardener. She asks if He knows where Jesus’ body is and turns back to the open tomb. Jesus calls her name and she recognized Him. She attempts to hold Him but He tells her this is forbidden because He has not yet ascended to the Father. (Jesus apparently leaves her). Jn 20:11-17; Mk 16:9
  9. Meanwhile the other women (absent Mary) are still going toward town to find the disciples. On the way Jesus appears to them and they fall down and hold His feet. Matt 28:9-10

10       . The women then proceed to the disciples and Mary Magdalene has also gone to the rest and tell the other disciples (except Peter and John) that Jesus is alive and they have seen Him Mk 16:10; Lu 24:9-11; Jn 20:18.

11       . Peter is apparently somewhere off to himself and Jesus appears to him. Peter apparently returns to the others and tells them he has seen Jesus. John also tells about the grave clothes and he believes Jesus has risen. Lu 24:34; 1 Cor 15:4-5

  1. Later that day two disciples are on the road to Emmaus and Jesus comes alongside them. Jesus explains about the prophecies concerning Him and His sacrifice. They invite Him to have a meal with them and when He breaks the bread they recognize Him and He disappears. They hurry and return to Jerusalem to the other disciples. Lu 24:13-32; Mk 16:12
  2. The two on the road to Emmaus find the other disciples and the other disciples tell them what they know, what the women told them and that Peter saw Jesus. They also tell of their experience on the road. (Thomas apparently does not believe and leaves the group and then Jesus appears to them all and shows them His hands, feet and side and shows He is not a spirit Lu 24:33-45; Jn 20:19-25.