Habakkuk 3:5 Before him went the pestilence, and burning coals went forth at his feet.
There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the COVID-19 plandemic we are in and have been in the past three years. You hear numerous reports of research and false reports, etc. You hear that the virus is subsiding then reports of a “monkey pox” outbreak and then a fresh start of COVID. As we near the fall election we will hear of more cases and the need to “hunker” down again and stay inside, do not go out to vote etc. There is a virus out there but according to statistics (even from WHO and CDC) COVID is less fatal than the regular flu virus. What has happened and continues is a satanic infection – an infection of lies for the devil is the father of lies. And he has his followers and children out there propagating and spreading these lies to those innocent and deluded that keep falling in line with him.
The Club of Rome was the result of “The Conference on Conditions of World Order” held on June 12-19, 1965, on Rockefeller’s Estate in Bellagio, Italy. The idea was to define the concepts of world order. It was decided that the earth could not sustain its current growth rate so we need to restrict the growth rate to sustainable levels. It was believed America should be held at 100 million population. Since it is predicted the earth’s population will reach 7.6 billion by 2050 there needs to be action taken now to prevent an unsustainable population.
Some believed that the AIDS virus was an attempt to reduce the population and when it did not work the way they hyped, then other measures were developed and the present COVID and now Monkey Pox is all part of their plan to reduce the world’s population. Since the COVID virus did not turn out to be very harmful they developed a vaccine to help the process of population control. Now we are hearing about a vaccine for Monkey Pox (similar to Small Pox) but the vaccine has not been roven and in many cases has caused heart problems.
The devil has infected man with sin and he has rebelled against God since the Garden of Eden. Today he is still in rebellion and the idea of sustaining the population to a certain level goes against God’s command to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth. God has made the earth able to sustain the population He allows and it is not up to man to decide what that number is ti be. The efforts to sustain the population and establish a New World Order under one man (the man of sin) is all predicted in the Bible and will be met with severe and certain judgment. In the last few verses of the Bible it reads: “ And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.”