Spotless church

Ephesians 5:26-27   That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, 27  That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.

Bride of Christ:

            The church is pictured as the Bride of Christ and Christ as the Husband (2 Cor 11:2). Paul speaks of husbands and wives and compares their relationship to that of the believers to Christ. Christ died for the church, intercedes for the church and here Paul tells us that Christ will present His church to Himself as a spotless bride. The church is all the redeemed and blood bought; any and all who are forgiven of their sin and walking in the light of God’s word. The bride that will be with Christ in heaven is going to be without spot, wrinkle or blemish – a holy church/bride.

How Christ accomplishes this cleansing:

      Paul is clear that it is through the agency of God’s word that the church is cleansed from all defilements (Eph 5:26); Jesus says the same ( Jn 15:3). The word of God is pure (Psa 119:140; Prov 30:5; Psa 12:6) and is able to purify all who will accept and receive it (Psa 119:9; 19:8). God’s word is truth and Jesus said we are sanctified through the truth (Jn 17:17).

Every spot:

      The first thing Paul mentions that is cleansed from the church is “spots”. Spot is a fault, a moral blemish. A spot is something that soils, permeates the fabric and creates a stain that has been deeply ingrained into the pours of the material. Our morals are like that before God changes us. God has called us to live a moral life in spite of the wickedness of this world (Acts 2:40 – untoward is crooked, perverse). God saw that man’s heart and imagination was only evil continually and he made provisions for that at Calvary. We are to be a moral people, not giving way to the way of the world, but living a life of good character and standards. (see 2 Pet 3:14)

      Secondly, Paul mentions is wrinkle. A wrinkle occurs when something is either not used and is laid up for a long time or is not properly folded. When something is not used or unused for a long period of time a wrinkle occurs. The church is to use the gifts given to her for the glory of God. They were given in order that the church will be built up (Eph 4:11-13). We are not to sit back and just enjoy our freedom from sin and its penalty, but we are to go into the world and make disciples (Matt 16:18). If a wrinkle occurs because or not being folded properly, then steps need to be taken to undo those wrinkles in order to be used. These types of wrinkles occur when the church neglects its duties and tries to be something it is not or majors on one area, forgetting about other aspects of her purpose. In the book of Revelation, Jesus spoke to a number of issues that cause wrinkles in the church.

      The third thing Paul, mentions is blemish. Blemish is a mark or imperfection that is either hereditary or caused by some outside force. It is being faultless, not doing anything that is against the holy nature of God. The carnal nature is an inherited trait that needs cleansing by the Holy Spirit. There are external things that have happened that cause a blemish on the church’s character and life that needs repentance and cleansing. Paul used the word holy in conjunction with being without blemish; it refers to our inner character and spirit.

By the word:

      Paul says that Jesus will wash the church by the word. The word is of vital importance to the church as a whole and each of us individually. It is the washing of the word that brings us to the state that Jesus desires (Jn 15:3; 1 Pet 1:22; Jn 3:5; Rom 10:17).