The discipline of patience

James 1:4  But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

Patience and endurance:

      The word patience means steadfastness, endurance; the characteristic of one who will not swerve from his deliberate purpose and loyalty to faith and piety even by the greatest trails and suffering. It is part of the experience that produces experience that brings hope and assurance to us (Ro 5:3-5). Patience is a discipline, a work that is necessary for our growth. The work of producing patience is not often pleasant, but it is administered by our Father who desires to produce spiritual maturity in us.

      The context of James chapter one has several aspects that promise victory through the process of learning patience. Wisdom is granted upon asking when we are going through the disciplines that produce the “perfect work” of patience. As those who love the Lord endure the testings that will come, the patience (endurance) that comes will produce a “crown of life” (James 1:12)

Principles of gaining patience (Psa 37):

  1. Trust in the Lord (Psa 37:3). Follow His leading in everything we do (Prov 3:5-10)
  2. Delight in the Lord (Psa 37:4). We sometimes take God for granted – we need to get excited about God and maintain that excitement (Psa 119:16, 24, 35)
  3. Commit your way to Him (Psa 37:5). Become like a branch attached to the Vine.
  4. Rest in the Lord (Psa 37:7). Allow Him to be God and Lord.
  5. Wait on the Lord (Psa 37:34).This does not mean “killing time”, but be a faithful steward ready to obey and also working in the Lord’s vineyard while we wait.

Patience is never obtained through bored indifference.