The fire of god

Hebrews 10:29 Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?

Fire and evolution:

      Fire was considered by certain of the ancient philosophers who worshipped multiple gods to have been the primeval element out of which all things had evolved. This same myth is promoted today by evolutionary thought in the “Big Bang” theory. Fire was present in or brought about by the big bang – so they promote. Actually, fire is a creation of God used both actually and symbolically as God’s vehicle of judgment on sin.

First and last reference to fire:

            It is significant that the first and last reference to fire in Scripture mention both fire and brimstone, used in flaming judgment on human rebellion against God (Gen 19:24; Rev 21:8). In the text verse from Hebrews it refers to a warning given to Israel by Moses just before they entered the Promised Land (Deut 4:24) and used by the writer of Hebrews as a warning to New Testament believers not to reject God’s word (Heb 12:25). In Lu 3:16-17 Luke refers to fire being used to burn the chaff and in Jesus’ parable of the wheat and tares fire is used to judge the tares (Matt 13:40).

Other applications and symbols of fire:

      God’s word is compared to fire by Jeremiah (Jer 20:9) as indicating the urging of God to His prophet to speak God’s word to Israel. Jeremiah was persecuted and severely tested by Israel because of his prophesying for God, so he decided not to speak to them anymore. But God’s word urged him and he spoke God’s word once again.

      Presence of God – Fire was present on several occasions when God was present on earth. In Ex 3:2 God appeared to Moses in a burning bush. On Mount Sinai when God came down to speak to Israel and give His commandments, fire was present in and on the mountain (Ex 19:18). When Israel finished building the tabernacle and God came upon it, fire was associated with His presence (Ex 40:38). In the New Testament God’s presence in the Person of the Holy Spirit is seen as tongues of fire resting upon all the believers (Acts 2:3).

      Cleansing/purifying – Fire is also symbolized as a purifying agent (Zec 13:9). Believers may be purged with the fires of persecution to cleanse us from unwanted dross or weights that would hinder our spiritual progress.