Psalm 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.
There has been much discussion, debate and even arguments over whether America is in prophecy and whether she will remain into the future. We know that there will be many nations remaining after Christ removes the church from the earth; the question is whether America will remain the major power and key element in world policies and events. America has been a great nation in the past and the reason America has been great is because America, at one time, was good. America honored God, the Bible and Christian principles. Our constitution and the laws established according to this document has made America a great nation. It jhas never been a 100% Christian nation – everyone accepting God, the Bible and Christian principles. But nearly all were at the least “God-fearing” people and they respected Godliness and the Bible. The church and the pastors thundered out and declared the holiness of God and called for repentance, restitution and changed lives and living. People came under conviction and gave up sin and started a new life in Christi.
New translation of the Bible derived from corrupted Greek texts and soon the belief in inerrancy and authority of the Bible was set aside and replaced by “thus says the professor” of liberal and apostate Christian colleges. Soon church attenders and Christians were being fed on worldly and apostate teaching and preaching. Gone were the “hellfire and brimstone” sermons and in their place were “easy believism”, “name-it-claim-it”, “prosperity gospel” etc. Creation truth was replaced by evolutionary theology, abortion on demand becamse accepted as a “woman’s right” to choose and now the abomination of sodomy and transgenderism was being hailed as acceptable and even Christian.
America no longer worships God and she does not allow His word. The text verse tells us that the wicked as well as the nation that forgets God will turn into hell. Will America be after the church is gone? If we consider the account of Sodom and Gomorrah, we must say “NO”. Those wicked cities could have remained if there would have been enough righteous people in them. However, God could not find enough to spare them. It is the righteous that are keeping judgment from descending completely upon America, but once the church is gone, where will the righteous be and what will become of America?